PeopleSoft Installation: 18 Easy Steps
Hradware Requirements:
Ø Minimum 2gb RAM
Ø Minimum 50gb of space on hard drive
Ø Windows xp or above
Peoplesoft Installtaion: versions of softwares used
Ø PeopleTools version 8.50
Ø HRMS version 9.1
Ø Tuxedo R3 VS2005
Ø Web logic 10.3
Ø Jrockit R28.0.0
18 easy installation steps
1) Install Oracle 11g software
2) Create database manually (instance)
3) Install people tools
4) Install people application (HRMS)
5) Running scripts to create seed database in our manually created database
6) Import data using data mover
7) Run grant.sql script
8) Check peopletools and database compatibility plus
9) Updating PeopleTools Database Objects
10) Updating PeoleTools System Data
11) Running PoepleTools conversions
12) Running SQR reports
13) Install Tuxedo
14) Configure application domain
15) Install web server
16) Configure web server(install and run PIA)
17) Configure Report Node and Process Scheduler
18) Install cobol compiler
Step 1:
Install Oracle 11 g without database
Step2: Create Database Instance
Create a service for our database from ms-dos command prompt:
Oradim –new –SID HRDEMO
Where HRDEMO is name of our database and will be used throught this documentation
Now, create some dummy folders :
è E:\ORADATA\HRDEMO (Assuming database is being installed in e drive)
è Goto Orcale Base and under admin directory create folder named as HRDEMO. Under HRDEMO create 3 sub folders as adump, dpdump and pfile.
Step 3: Install People Tools
Install People tools in e drive under directory PSHOME i.e e:\PSHOME
Step 4: Install PeopleSoft Application
Install HRMS application under the directory PSHOME i.e. e:\PSHOME
Step 5: Create seed database
We need to run some scripts in certain sequence. Thses scripts are placed in
Scripts are run in following sequence
1. Createdb10.sql
2. Utlspace.sql
3. Dbowner.sql
4. Hcddl.sql
5. Psroles.sql
6. Psadmin.sql
7. Connect.sql
But before running these scripts, we need to configure them
Createdb10.sql configuartion
This script creates the database. The script begins with pfile location. But since we have created instance of our database manually, pfile is not present in database folder of orcale home.
So we need to copy paste or edit init file(pfile) in database folder. Database folder is located in oracle home.
Editing initHRDEMO.ora (pfile) -->
è Check db_domain and db_name
è Replace E:\app\Administrator\admin\HRDEMO against audit_file_dest location where Administrator is the name of our pc in our case.
è Replace E:\ORADATA\HRDEMO against control_file location
è Specify undo_tablespace name. You can find undo_tablespace name from createdb10.sql file (note: both pfile and createdb10.sql must have same undo tablespace name)
Open createdb10.sql file
è provide the path of pfile
è check create database statement and ensure that all datafiles, temporary tablespace , undo tablespace and log files are pointing to : E:\ORADATA\HRDEMO\....
utlspace.sql configuration
This script creates utility tablespaces -> PSTEMP and PSDEFAULT and data dictionaries -> catalog.sql, catblock.sql and catproc.sql
Specify the utility tablespaces directory like
E:\ORADATA\HRDEMO\pstemp01.dfb similary perform for other tablespace as well
Dbowner.sql configuration
It does not require any configuration. We have two schemas in peoplesoft one where all records are contained i.e. ACCESS ID and PS schema where PSDBOWNER table is maintained.
Dbowner.sql creates the PSDBOWNER table. This tabel contains two coloumns: DBNMAE and OWNERID
Hcddl.sql configuration
This script is application specific , in our case it is related to HRMS, therefore it creates tablespaces and datafiles related to HRMS module.
Just ensure that all tablespaces and datafiles are pointing to correct directory:
Psroles.sql configuration
This script does not require any configuration. This script creates two roles PSUSER and PSADMIN .
PSUSER has only create session priviledges and PSADMIN has all priviledges.
( any user in peoplesoft logs in with low-secuirty accound i.e connect id. Connect id is assigned PSUSER role privilege and database user access id is assigned PSADMIN role priviledge).
Psadmin.sql configuration
It does not require any configuration. This script creates PeopleSoft’s Owner ID (ACCESS ID). It creates peoplesoft admin user and then grants the user PSADMIN role. This script asks for adin user name and password let it be sysadm and sysadm respectively.
Connect.sql configuration
It creates low-secuirty database user (connect id) used by signon process until passsword is validated. Post that user is assigned access id internally. The last line of script is grant create session to <connect id>. It could have been replaced with grant PSUSER to <connect id> without any problems.
We have configured all our scripts. Now we need to run them in proper sequence. For this we need to login in our dummy database. But we can’t log in to our database as we haven’t created orapwd(password) file yet. To create password file open md-dos command prompt and execute following:
Orapwd file= fullpath of orcale home….\database\pwdHRDEMO.ora password=sys entries=5
Now in command prompt write:
Sqlplus sys/sys as sysdba (this performs login)
You will be greeted with message : connected to idel instance.
Now excute all the scripts mentioned below in same sequence as they follow:
Createdb10.sql >> utlspace.sql >> dbowner.sql >> hcddl.sql >> psroles >> psadmin.sql >> connect.sql
Note: To excute script copy paste its full path and prefix @ in front of it and press enter
Step 6: Import data using data mover
Open data mover from menu items. Log in with access id i.e sysadm/sysadm.
If data mover gives any error regarding version mis-match between people tools and people application then check out step 8 for solution.
Go to File -> database setup and select HRMS
Run scripts. Note datamover will seem to be as if its not working. To keep the track of datamover’s operation goto c:\temp and trace following log files which are created during this operation:
Hcengs.log, hcengl.log, triggers.log, views.log, temptbls.log
This whole datamover task takes around 5 hours or more depending upon the cpu configuration.
Step 7: Run grant.sql
Run this script after logging into the HRDEMO database with sysdba priviledge.
This script grants select power to connect id on PSSTATUS, PSOPRDEFN and PSACCESSPRFL. This is necessary as whenever user logs in the first task poeplesoft performs is to check version compatibility b/w people tools and people database. This information is conatianed in PSSTATUS table. Next step is to check user’s password which is conatined in PSOPRDEFN table. From PSOPRDEFN table peoplesoft after chehcking password fetches symbolic ID (sysadm1). Next and final step before killing connect id process is to get ACCESSID and ACCESSPWD from PSACCESSPRFL table against symbolic id. This leads to killing of connect id process and then poeplesoft re-connects as access id.
Step 8: check compatibility between peopletools and people database
We does not need to check the compatiblity at this step since it would have already being done during step 6. This is because if both peopletools and people database had different versions then datamover would have given error.
In that case id database’s v ersion is higher than peopletools version then re-install peopltools new verison. If database version is lower than peopletools then in that case we need to run scripts in release sequence to make both peopletools and people database compatible.
For example if application database verion is 8.47 and and peopletools version is 8.50 in that case we need to run scripts in following sequence Rel848, Rel849, Rel850 (these scripts are found in PSHOME\scripts directory).
Now log in with PS account in datamover and run storedll.dms file
Again log in with sysadm accoun in datamover and run msgtlsupg.dms file
Step 9: Updating PeopleTools Database Objects
Open Application Designer and log in with PS
Goto Tools -> Copy project -> From file Browse PSHOME\Projects and click Open
By default some of the projects are listed in listbox
We need to copy 3 projects
1> PPLTLS84CUR (highlighted above)
We need to build PPLTLS84CUR and PT84TBLSPC projects only.
Building PPLTLS84CUR
Goto File-> Open and select PPLTLS84CUR
Now goto Build -> Project
Make sure create tables and alter tables are check marked and build script file option is selected as shown below.
Now click Settings:
Under scripts Tab make changes as below:
Under Alter tab make changes as shown below:
Under create tab make changes as shwon below:
Click ok to close dialog box and then click build.
Building PT84TBLSPC
Goto File-> Open and select PPLTLS84CUR
Now goto Build -> Project
Make sure alter tables are check marked and build script file option is selected as shown below.
Now click settings
Under scripts tab perform as shown below:
Under alter tab make changes as shwon below:
Click ok to close dailog box.
Now click build.
Step 10: Updating People Tools System Data
Invoke datamover from start menu programs and login as Access ID
Run below scripts: (File -> Open)
Pslanguages.dms -> loads platform specific seed data
Tlspgnoncomp.dms -> imports updated peoplesoft tools’ trees, roles and access groups in db
Msgtleng.dms -> updates messages in db
Ptstreng.dms -> updates SQR strings in db
Storept.dms -> updates peoplesoft COBOL stored stmts
Ptdefnses.dms -> updates peoplesoft peopletools definition security group
Createvw.dms -> recreate all views in db
All above .dms files are contained in PSHOME\scripts except for storept.dms which is contained in PSHOME\src\cbl\base
Step 11: Running People Tools Conversions
Open ms dos command prompt
E:\PSHOME\bin\client\winx86 <- directory (use cd command)
Now execute following commands:
Step 12 : Running SQR reports
run sqrw.exe , it can be found in PSHOME\bin\sqr\ORA\binw
we need to run setspace.sqr (it is located in PSHOME\sqr)
copy paste below flags in report arguments
-ZIFE:\PSHOME\sqr\pssqr.ini -iE:\PSHOME\sqr\ -fc:\temp\setspace.htm –keep
See the below image for clearification:
Now click ok to run setspace.sqr file.
Setp 13 : Installing tuxedo
Installing tuxedo is easy as it is GUI based. Though we can install tuxedo anywhere its better to install in oracle base directory this is because we will install weblogic in same directory and its easy manage things when they are placed in same scope.
Oracle base directory is where all oracle products are installed.
Step 14 : Configure Application domain
to configure application server run psadmin.exe utility. It is located in PSHOME\appserv\psadmin.exe
below screen appears
Press 1 to configure application domain
Press 2 to create domain
It asks for the domain name enter your database name(though its not necessary to enter database name you can enter any name, but makes sense when application domain name and database name both have same names )
Press enter and then it asks for the configuration template , you can select any four of them depending upin the requirement.
After selecting right configuration template, it asks whether you want to configure the newly created domain now , press y to configure.
Below scree appears:
Press 15 if database name is not correct else leave it as it is.
Press 17 to enter PS account name which is PS
Press 18 to enter PS account password which is PS
Finally press 13 to laod configuration
After loading configuration, below screen appears:
Press 1 to boot the domain
Next it asks whether you want to boot it serially or parallely, for now just select serial boot i.e. 1 choice
And press enter your application server is up and running now.
Step 15: Install weblogic
Installing weblogic is easy again it’s a GUI environment and for simplicity it must be installed in oracle base directory where tuxedo is installed (though you can install it anywhere)
Running weblogic by double clicking is not normally possible if the system is not configured to run .jar files directly.
Open command prompt track down the bin folder of the java software. In windows env java is installed in c drive under program files directory.
Using cd command place your self in bin directory, now execute following command:
Java –jar fullpath of weblogic..\weblogic.jar for example if your weblogic’s setup is placed in e drive then your stmt should become something like this
C:\program files\java\jdk\Bin> java –jar e:\weblogic.jar
After excuting above statement GUI to install weblogic opens up just follow the on screen instructions and make sure you are installing it in oracle base directory.
Step 16: Configure webserver (weblogic)
Configuring webserver requires you to install PIA (Pure Internet Architecture). PIA acts as a bridge between webserver and application server.
Before we install PIA, make sure you are having jrockit. Download the jrockit from and copy paste it in oracle base directory.
Now to install pIA goto E:\PSHOME\setup\PsMpPIAInstall
And run setup.bat
After installing it a new folder will be created in PSHOME directory named as webserv but before we run our webserver we need to make some chnages in configuration file as running PIA needs jrockit utility.
Goto oracle base directory, open weblogic’s folder find folder named as common and then open commEnv file in notepad. Weblogic \ common\ commEnv
Track JAVA_HOME variable in the file and just copy paste the fullpath of jrockit’s folder against it.
Make save changes and return to PSHOME directory.
Goto E:\PSHOME\webserv\peoplesoft\bin
Now double click startPIA.cmd, this will up and make our webserver in running mode
From this point of time you must be able to open peoplesoft application in browser. Just write localhost in browser and press enter, peoplesoft application opens up.
Step 17: configure report node and process scheduler
Before running our process scheduler we need to setup our report node(one time setup).
Open poeplesoft application in browser. Provide pS account credentails and login.
Now goto Main menu -> PeopleTools -> Process Scheduler -> Report Nodes
Click add a new value
Provide name of our database(again it can be any name if you wish) in Distribution Node Name textbox
Now window like below is opened up
Under Distribution Node details
URL: if you are setting up peoplesoft on single machine then it is localhost else ip address of machine having webserver
Under connection information
URI host : either local host or ip address of webserver machine
URI Resource must be: SchedulerTransfer/ps
If URI host is an ip address of the machine then provide login credential details of that machine
Click save.
Now goto Main menu -> PeopleTools -> Process Scheduler -> Severs
Click search and select PSNT server
Now click Distribution domain tab
and make sure Distribution Node name is same as you entered above in report node configuration
maximum transfer times and Interval for transfer Attempt is 3 and 5 respectively and transfer system files to report repository is checked
and click save.
Now signout from the application.
Process Scheduler’s Configuration
Goto E:\PSHOME\appserv\psadmin.exe
Press 2 for Process Scheduler
Select option 4 to create process scheduler
The system will ask to enter database name for which prcocess scheduler is to be configured
Provide name HRDEMO
Then configure it just provide PS account credentails press 8 to enter PS account user name and press 9 to enter password of PS account. Load the configs and run the prcocess scheduler.
Your process scheduler is now up and running.
Now upon up peoplesoft application again using pS acocunt credentails.
Goto main menu -> people tools -> security -> secuirty objects -> single signon
Make sure message node name is PSFT_HR
Now goto main menu -> people tools -> integration broker -> integration setup -> nodes
Serach PSFT_HR if it is not there then under add a new value tab provide tab name PSFT_HR
And click a new window opens up set authentication type = password and default user id as PS.
Now we are in position to run our processes.
Goto main menu -> peopletools -> process scheduler -> system process requests
Add a new ruin contorl id and click add
Now click run, a new window opens up , select all those processes which you want to run.
To see the status of all the processes whether they are successfully posted or not goto
Main menu -> peopletools -> process scheduler -> process monitor
If run status and distribution status are success and posted respectively that means process is succefully posted else there might be some error, click details then under actions column select view log/trace
Then in file list click the log file and find out the cause of the error.
If you wuld have selected any cobol file to be run, it would have given error like -> not posted this is because cobol compiler has not been installed yet on the system.
Step 18: Install Cobol complier
Micro Focus in te compnay which develops cobol complier for both windows and unix. For windows it develops net express while for un ix it develops sever express
Just install cobol compiler.
Now goto program files -> micro focus -> net express
Now copy paste bas folder in c: drive this is because during cobol compilation of files from command prompt it does not recognise spaces in folder names and thus when we try to run cobol complier from with in program files it gives error like invalid complier.
Now open command prompt:
Set COBROOT=c:\base
Now using cd command goto e:\PSHOME\setup
Cblbld.bat c: \temp
Execute above command all the cobol source files will be compiled during comiplation and will be put in temp directory, finally when all the files are converted a new folder will be made in PSHOME by this utility named as CBLBINA and all complied files will be copied from temp to this folder.
Now open peoplesoft application and try run any cobol process and check the status.
Query and tip section
What if already some other application is listening at port number 80, then how to run web server ?
è In case some other application is already listening at port number 80, Stop that applictaion and try open peoplesoft again. Else change port number where our webserver will listen requests. Goto E:\PSHOME\webserv\peoplesoft\config\config.xml and edit it by writing some other port number in place of 80.
What if application designer gives error related to tns ?
è Make sure hou have configured your tnsnames.ora. Tnsnames.ora file is used by client to connect to target database with particular listener, listening at some port for database connections.
thank u sirfor giving this information
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