Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Changing hostname – The UNIX way!

While the /etc/hosts file is generally the first to come to mind when you think about changing the name of a Unix system, modifying this file is only one step in the process. The other files that need to be changed depend on which particular version of “*nix” you are running.

The following is a list of UNIX flavors and methods of changing hostname permanently on each system.


On Solaris, there are three files that you need to edit. These include /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname. and /etc/nodename.
- Edit /etc/hosts with vi and update to the new hostname.
- Similarly update /etc/nodename using an editor or “echo newhost > /etc/nodename”
- Lastly, edit /etc/hostname.. The should be replaced by the name of the particular network interface on your server. For example, a common name is /etc/hostname.hme0. If you’re not sure about the interface name, simply do an ‘ifconfig -a’, this’ll display the network interface name.
Once you’ve updated the above 3 files, best thing is to reboot your system or if can’t reboot right away, you can execute ‘uname -S ‘ command to assign the new hostname immediately.

Redhat Linux (Fedora, Mandriva, PCLos)

On Redhat based Linux systems, the primary setting for the system hostname is included in the /etc/sysconfig/network file.
- Open this file in editor, you should see something like this:
- and of course the /etc/hosts file.

Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Debian based systems use the file /etc/hostname to read the hostname of the system at boot time and set it up using the init script /etc/init.d/
- Edit /etc/hostname and update to your new hostname, you can then run /etc/init.d/ to activiate the change.
- Update your /etc/hosts file to refelect new hostname
You can also use sysctl to change the hostname:
- sysctl kernel.hostname (To read the current hostname)
- sysctl kernel.hostname=NEW_HOSTNAME (to change it)
To change in gui in Ubuntu you can click to:
- System > Administration > Networking > General tab > Host name field

Slackware Linux

Similar to Debian except the it is uppercase HOSTNAME.
- Edit /etc/HOSTNAME and update to new value
- Update /etc/hosts to new hostname value as well

SuSE Linux

To change hostname permanently on SuSE Linux
- Edit the file /etc/HOSTNAME and change the value in it, Save and exit
- Update /etc/hosts to new hostname value


To change hostname on a Mac OSX server…
- Edit /etc/hostconfig and update to your new hostname
- And of course the /etc/hosts file needs to be adjusted to your new host
You can also execute the following command:
- sudo scutil –set HostName


Very similar to Solaris operating system.
- Update to new hostname in /etc/hosts file
- Make appropriate change in /etc/myname
- Lastly, /etc/hostname.. Similar to Solaris, you’ll need to identify system interface and update this file appropriately.


The script /sbin/set_parms changes system parameters including hostname and IP address.
- /sbin/set_parms

Digital Unix

- Edit /etc/hostname.driver
- As well as /etc/hosts file


To change hostname do:
- Edit /etc/rc.conf and update to new hostname value
- Edit /etc/hosts


AIX stores all its information in ODM (Object Database Manager) including hostname value. There are a couple ways of doing it:
- chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=thomas
Or you can use smitty as well.


- Edit /etc/myname
- And of course edit /etc/hosts file :)

SCO Unix

I don’t know who in their right mind would run SCO these days. But anyhow the way to change hostname permanently is:
- sys-unconfig


I can understand why IRIX may still be used. To change hostname:
- Edit /etc/sys_id and update to new host value
- Edit /etc/hosts as well
Then reboot your workstation/server for changes to take affect.
Finally, some general facts about all Linux distros. The following are commands that are unique to all flavors of Linux:
To print current system hostname on the system:
- hostname
- uname -n
- cat /etc/hosts | grep
To print the fully qualified domain name of the system:
- hostname -fqd
To temporarily update the system to new hostname:
- hostname new_hostname
- echo “new hostname” > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
On most Linux flavors, you can also execute the command:
- netconfig


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